Bullying and being bullied has become a health problem for children of all ages because of their association with adjustment problems. It is therefore important to comprehend how bullying and being bullied affect the well-being of a youth. Over the years in dealing with children of all ages I have found that it is important to understand both sides of bullying, the person that is bulling and the victim of bullying.
The person that is picking on another child or teen is one that feels superior to others and in most cases wants to attract attention and win over his or her classmates. They at times demonstrate signs of confidence and leadership but in reality they are hiding some type of fear or trauma they have from the past or living in that current moment.
The child being bullied is most of the time a child that is insecure of themselves. He or she will walk the halls with their head down, shoulders dropped, alone, gets out of the way to make sure they don’t bump into anyone and will also not say a word to anyone. The biggest problem I have seen in the 40 years of dealing with children is that they are afraid to stick up for themselves and will not tell anyone what happened.

Here are some stats from 2015 – 2017
Only 22% of bullied teens reported anything, 13.6% where called names, 13.2% had rumors spread about them, 6% had been pushed, 4.5% where excluded from other children or groups, 3.9% had been threaten, 2.2% where forced to do things they didn’t want to and 1.6% had some type of property damaged or destroyed.
In conclusion I have found that putting children in some activity that they can excel in will help them deal with their shyness or insecurity issues. I would not recommend team sports because the other children and sometimes the coaches can be very competitive and will treat the children that are not to athletic tough and not in a nice way.
Martial Arts is one great way to build self confidence in a child, teen or adult. One of the ways they do that is thru the belt changes; every time they perform in front of their parents, friends and instructors they feel a sense of accomplishment and pride in themselves. They learn quickly that it’s not about fighting but about standing up for their rights and believes.
If you have a child that is going through a tough time in school because of bulling then have them try our 3 class trial program. I guarantee you will see a change in them real quick.
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Grand Master Rod Bohorquez
40 Years in the Kendall Hammocks area.
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