At this time we are experiencing something that we where never prepared for. It came to us unexpected and quick. As of today the world is dealing with an outbreak that is out of control.

There are a few things that we can do to make sure we stay healthy and that is: 1) stay away from crowds or other people. Don’t go out unless your really need to go out. 2) Wear gloves and mouth mask to protect yourself. 3) Wash your hands really good with soap and water. 4) Take hot showers. 4) If you feel sick make sure to stay away from others and get checked for the virus. 5) Exercise is something that is highly recommended cause it builds your immune system.

With everything that is going on right now it’s time to make sure you find time to workout at least 3 times per week if not every day. For our students we are doing online classes 3 times a week, we are also doing private classes online via whatsApp or zoom. If your interested text me at (305) 878-3136 for more info. The important thing is to stay active and away from others. Distance is the Key right now. Stay Safe!!!!!!
Grand Master Rod Bohorquez Founder/President
Shim Myung Do
9th Dan Black Belt
Instagram – Masterrodsmd