Eating before going to bed slows down fat burning.

According to new findings, the safest way to burn fat and lose weight is to eat breakfast and avoid late-night snacking.

The new study confirms that it’s not only what you eat but also at what times you eat that counts.

Nearly half of adults in the United States are seeking to lose weight, and many have turned to regular intermittent fasting as an easy way to lose weight. This diet entails fasting for a set amount of time during the day and then eating all of your calories during the remaining hours. 16:8 fasting, for example, is described as not eating for 16 hours of the day and eating only for the remaining 8 hours.

Intermittent fasting is becoming more common, with a 2018 study of 1,009 adults in the United States revealing that it is the most popular diet. But does it make a difference when you fast?

According to Vanderbilt University researchers in Nashville, TN, weight gain is influenced not only by the amount of calories consumed, but also by when they are consumed.

It’s best to Follow this biological clock

The findings are related to circadian rhythms, which scientists refer to as the biological clock. Hundreds of processes, from sleeping and eating to body temperature and hormone levels, are influenced by the internal body clock. A disturbed circadian rhythm, such as that experienced by shift workers, has been linked to negative health outcomes, including obesity, according to research.

These negative health effects may be the result of disrupted eating habits, implying that the timing of food intake influences its effects on the body.

Prof. Carl Johnson, senior author of the report and Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Biological Sciences, says, “There are a number of research on both animals and humans that say it’s not only about how much you consume but also what time you eat.”

The researchers tested this hypothesis by tracking the metabolism of six people as they consumed meals at various times of the day.

Keeping an eye on your metabolism

The participants were all over the age of 50, indicating that they may be at risk for metabolic disorders. They also ate three meals a day over two 56 hour periods, with the same  overnight fasting time in between.

Participants ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner in one of the sessions. The participants in the other session missed breakfast in exchange for an extra meal as a late-night snack.

Both the breakfast (at 8:00 a.m.) and the late-night snack (at 10:00 p.m.) were 700 calories and nutritionally similar. In both sessions, the participants engaged in the same amount of physical activity.

The participants’ metabolism was tracked using Vanderbilt’s human metabolic chamber, which provided continuous measurements of metabolic rate and carbohydrate and fat breakdown.

Choosing between skipping breakfast and skipping dinner

Despite having a clear calorie intake and activity level, the researchers discovered that the timing of food intake had a substantial impact on how much fat the participants burned.

The participants broke down less fat when they ate a late-night snack than when they ate the same amount of calories at breakfast.

In other words, the snack at 10:00 p.m. slowed the body’s ability to break down fat, forcing it to instead break down carbohydrates. Over the course of 24 hours, participants who consumed breakfast burned 15 grams more lipid than those who ate the late-night snack. This could result in substantial fat accumulation over time.

“This indicates that the timing of meals during the day and night cycles affects how ingested food is used versus processed, and that any food consumed before bedtime delays fat burning during sleep,” says first author and Vanderbilt postgraduate student Kevin Kelly.

The discovery that the body’s circadian rhythms control fat burning may have significant consequences for eating habits, suggesting that fasting from dinner to breakfast is preferable to skipping breakfast for weight loss.

Weight Loss Option

Since now we know that it’s important not to skip breakfast and not eat to late at night, we can now substitute a solid meal for a protein shake. When combined with an effective workout program, this alternative encourages weight  and fat loss by replacing two meals a day (typically lunch and dinner) with a shake.

You can find the Meal shakes here:

I hope this has been helpful. If you have any questions reach out to me and I will be more than happy to answer any questions you might have.

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The Side Effects of the Caffeine Pills That Increase Your Metabolism and Can Cause a Slow Down in Belly Fat and Boredom!

Green Tea is known as a supper tea. The reason is that it is known to improve the immunity and metabolism as well as to help with weight loss. It helps to fight free radicals as well. If you have a busy schedule, then drinking an herbal tea will save your time. In my case, I use the juice.

When I have the chance, I like to drink one or two cups of Herbalife green tea daily. It does not have much side effects. It is more effective than the caffeine pills because it works faster.

I am sure that you have heard of the positive effects of green tea and the benefits it can give you. Let us say that you are having a very boring time in doing a weight loss exercise. Then, you should drink some green tea and do your exercises faster without losing sleep or doing anything else.

It is known to have a lot of components of cancer fighting in it. It reduces your cholesterol levels, fights off cancer, protects you from heart problems and improves your metabolism. It prevents it.

I also use green tea to make my food delicious. I use it in making my meals. If you are having the problems in eating a delicious meal, drink the green tea and make your meal delicious.

Another benefit of drinking green tea is, that it helps you get a stronger and healthier body. As a matter of fact, it is known to have a lot of vitamins and minerals which are good for your body.

The green tea also contains the highest amount of antioxidant. It is also known how it helps the human body to lose extra fat. The tea is very good for the immune system. It reduces your risk for infection. It also helps in strengthening the immune system and decreases your risk for cancer and colds. So, I think that it is a very good ingredient to add to your weight loss program.

So, what is the problem with the caffeine pills? Well, the problem with them is that they have side effects. One of them is that they cause an increase in the heart rate. This has the effect that it slows down your metabolic rate. This would cause the body to burn its fat reserves slower.

This is very harmful to be on it for a long time. It makes you very tired and slows down your metabolism. It also causes an irregular heartbeat. One of the side effects is that it is very constipating. So, it makes you loose the weight that it is putting on your belly faster. Also, it causes an increase in the need for bathroom. Also, it causes an increased need for water.

This is also a very harmful component. It is very dangerous to be on it for a long time.

Do You Have A Life Plan For 2021?

So tell me,  what goals have you set for your personal life or business in 2021?

Ok, let’s start with your health. As you know we are in the middle of a pandemic that does not want to give up until we the people decide to take action and be responsible for our health and that of others. It’s been a year now that we have had to deal with this virus and all the hard times and heartbroken moments like jobs lost, death of family and friends, socially secluded, and much more. The first step to taking care of ourselves is by number one developing a proper mindset. With a calm and focused mind, we can start to see progress in all aspects of our life. Start believing in yourself and your faith, understand that you can get over these hard times and that the light is at the end of the tunnel.

One technique that I use to get over hard times is remembering a past hard time I had and How I got over it at that time. By changing the thoughts and emotions from a sad, scared or defeated one to a victory, triumph or champion mindset it will for sure help you get back on track and start seeing positive changes quickly. You Might want to check out the mindset program by Wesley Virgin. This program is the one I have been using for the past 6 months and I have been able to see that Light at the end of the tunnel. (click on the picture below)

Second, if you have a business you should be looking at what is ahead of you, what possibilities are available for you and your business. With various government programs offering loans or grants you should be looking into these programs to take your business from the hard times to a better place in 2021.  If you lost your job then you might want to look at starting a new online or offline business that doesn’t require a big investment or time. Today they call this a side hustle

The current pandemic has opened up the door for new and expanded business opportunities as consumers adapt to post-COVID life. (US Chambers).

Online companies have reported a great increase in revenue during these hard times than ever before.

Herbalife CEO Dr. John Agwunobi told CNBC on Monday that the nutritional supplement company is seeing sales increases due to people placing more importance on health and wellness

 I am starting a new Business this month if you would like to join my team, to work from home, and make passive income with low investment contact me via text at (305) 878-3136. Only serious people with serious intentions that want to grow Healthy and Wealthy.

Many Companies Won’t Survive the Pandemic. Amazon, FaceBook, Herbalife, and Microsoft Will Emerge Stronger Than Ever.

In concluding this Blog let’s make 2021 a better and more prepared year. 2020 caught most of us off the guard and not prepared for what became a world disaster. I hope this Blog opened your eyes, heart, and motivation to take action today and not on December 31, 2021. Below you will find all my social media and contacts. You will also find links to programs or websites that I own or use, feel free to visit them.

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 🥋Shim Myung Do Store. Merchandise

 👍Amazon store Martial Arts Supplies

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