Wow How our lives have changed in as little as six months. It has been six months since most of us have been sent home due to the pandemic. For some, it has been a good chance for others that lost their jobs or businesses not so good.
Okay, let me tell you a little bit about what’s going on with me and how this whole pandemic has changed my life. like I said earlier some people lost their jobs others like myself lost my business. You know it’s not that easy to accept losing something that you love and have a passion for, and where you don’t have a choice where it’s something that you are told that you need to do and I mean I agree with with the whole thing of closing down because our health is more important than anything else more than money or anything, but regardless it still hurts and it hurts emotionally and it also hurts economically. Then again what you do with the situation that you have been put in, is going to depend on your success. From that point on you see I could have sat here and you know crying about losing my business, cried about losing my income, and cried about many things but instead, I decided to take this opportunity to re-educate myself on something very common now a day and that is what I call virtual reality. Virtual reality meaning everything is being done virtually most shopping is done now virtually I mean look at Amazon. Amazon is a monster. Amazon is making shops and different types of stores closed down. Everybody is shopping on Amazon and Amazon keeps growing and growing adding more things to their stores. People are on the internet more now than ever before and now with this pandemic even more, so I decided to go ahead and educate myself on teaching this virtual class system or programs. So I said let me go ahead and start teaching online let me go ahead and develop a zoom program
And so in the process, I’ve learned a lot about how to communicate through the screen how to communicate through the camera something that I hadn’t had to do before. I mean I’ve done videos and different types of presentations but never on a regular base and teach so many people that are wanting your specific classes. I’ve never had to do that before and so it’s been an experience but it has been a good learning experience. I didn’t think that it would work out as good as it has. You know I didn’t think children would be able to adapt themselves well to learning from a TV screen or a computer screen but I’m amazed, I’m amazed at how well the children are responding to these Martial Arts Zoom classes or virtual classes but then again I should have known better. Children now days are used to technology, children will get on their tablets, phones or get on the computer and they know how to surf and go around it and use it better than we do. So I shouldn’t have been surprised I should have known better I should have expected better but there you go.

You know it’s never too late to learn and never too late to expect new things to happen and so because of that our Zoom classes have become very successful and I’m very happy and proud of the program. We intend to grow even more and more as we go on.
The other thing I noticed was how important it was to make sure we have multiple streams of income. I’ve spoken about this in the past and I make sure that everybody understood that we can never rely on just one income alone or one income stream. This pandemic showed us how true that is we lost the only income we had and now we had to try to survive or look for a new method of making an income to be able to cover our expenses during these hard times. I’ve always had an extra income Source but in the same field which was the martial arts, this time since the martial arts classes are were suspended I needed to find something else that was not related to the martial arts per se and develop a new income stream. Well like I said before since everything now is an internet-based or virtual base I started to look to see how I can make money from home since I’m locked up at home. In the last 5 months, I’ve educated myself on various ways of making extra income while at home and not taking up a lot of my time. I now don’t rely just strictly on my martial arts classes on Zoom but I also have other income sources to make sure that all expenses are covered and make extra. I will be sharing with you in the future some of these income sources so that you also can have extra income streams coming in to help you during these hard times. I just recently made a new video on this topic below I will put the link so that you can go see it and go through the whole video and watch the whole presentation and get educated on what internet income is and how you can make money from home.
In conclusion, our lives have taken a big change something that we did not expect to happen so fast. Our new world now revolves around the internet and its tools. We have a choice we can join it or stay behind. What will you Do?
Your New Virtual Grand Master
Rod Bohorquez
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